How to Manage Obesity in Your Pet | Basic Causes and What to do about it ( 2022)

How to manage obesity in your pet

In this article, I will explain how to manage obesity in your pet from my own experience. So, make sure to go through it, and you will definitely find it helpful.

Obesity in pets has become a significant concern. Characteristics of overweight and or Obesity are over-eating, lack of exercise, genetics, and health conditions. As a pet owner, treat Obesity as a problem, and you must take proper steps to combat this health issue.

What is Obesity?

Overweight, including Obesity, accumulates abnormal or excessive fat that presents a human health risk. It is also associated with metabolic and hormonal changes. Similarly, Obesity in pets occurs when excessive fatty tissue accumulates in the body. If an animal’s body weight is over 20% compared to a pet’s optimal body weight.

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How to Manage Obesity in Your Pet

Here are a few tips that can help you in reducing obesity in pets.

The health of your pets

Obese Pets can develop serious health problems. Health problems may include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis. It is recommended to visit your vet to discuss your pet’s Obesity and recommend suitable remedies to control obesity in pets.

There are lots of considerations taken into account such as breed, bone structure, and body type. As mentioned, if the body weight is over 20% of the optimal weight.

Vet’s advice

Once you get recommended advice from your pet, most of it will be diet and exercise. Low fat and high-fiber diet will be an excellent choice to start the regimen. You have to control what you feed and give your pet treats completely.

dog at veterinary hospital
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Dogs love to hang around the dinner table, and it will be wise to keep your pet in its room. Table scraps are a great contributor to obesity in pets.

Diet and exercise for your pets

Please do not walk away when you have food and don’t leave food unattended, as dogs will assume it is meant for them. Food for them is a weakness like most of us. We often consume snacks while watching TV and make it a habit not to feed or give treats to our pets. Curtail and control temptations in offering your treats.

Pets, especially dogs, require regular exercise and ignoring this regimen can become a health issue. We, at times, owing to our schedule, miss our workouts or training, and if it persists, we become sedentary to gain unwanted body mass. It is no different with your pets. Being inactive in pets will lead to overweight and Obesity and may become their new lifestyle.

Some breeds, such as beagles, spaniels, and labs, love the outdoors and require lots of exercises. They may become vulnerable and gain weight if they are not given the necessary training. Make it a routine to take these dogs on a regular walk that will be part of their exercise and take them to an open area where they can run and tire themselves out. Don’t worry, and they will love it.

Don’t let your pet become sluggish by keeping them indoors and just giving them a regular walk around your home. As mentioned, they love the outdoors and don’t make them sedentary.

A time table

The food habits also have to follow a specific regimen. Dogs cannot understand that they are on a diet. When they see food, they go crazy and will eat them fast. They will look for more. They are never satiated. Please don’t fall victim to their demands. Your goal is to control the weight of your pets and ultimately obesity in pets.

Work on their healthy lifestyle by taking them out for regular walks and getting enough exercise. It will help burn their calories and excess fat—a rule of thumb suggested by experts. If you can’t feel a pet’s ribs, you will probably feel the fattiness of their skin. It is an alarm and an alert to take remedial action, put your pet on a diet and help him lose that excess fat.

Avoid dehydration. It is essential to have a bowl filled with fresh water. Keep your pet’s bowls clean if you do not have an auto-feed. If leftover food is in their bowl, remove it and replace it with fresh water. They should drink more water than food. It may alleviate their hunger.

Plan their week’s schedule for exercise, regular walks, and feeding time. Plan at least a weekend and take them out to an open field to meet other pet dogs. Call it a play date with other pets; take a step further and call it a community neighborhood event.

Recap – How to Manage Obesity in Your Pet

Pets rely on humans for everything. Doing things within limits and ensuring their care with total responsibility should be our goal.

Proper training and effective pet communication will help your pet understand your commands. Don’t slack, as failure to follow the regimen will only hurt your pet.

Less food and more exercise should be your mission, and extended healthy life for your pet should be your vision.

Anything else will be considered a total disservice to your pets, whose unconditional love will make your life happy and contented.

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Mani Sulur

Mani Sulur

I'm Mani Sulur from Toronto, Canada. I love to write and have written nine Kindle books on various topics. I write blogs in the pet and travel niches.