Submissive Peeing among Dogs – How to deal with it?

Submissive Peeing among Pets

“Submissive Peeing” are dogs that pee when they are scared. Submissive urination symptoms

You’re dealing with submissive urination if your dog pees at the times listed below:

  1. Angry or loud voices

  1. When someone comes up to them

  1. Whenever they are greeted

  1. When there is a commotion, such as a loud discussion or the sounds of sirens,

  1. They expose their belly in submissive positions while squatting, tail tucking, or rolling over.

Why does your dog pee in submission?

These dogs are frequently hesitant, apprehensive, or frightened, and they may have been punished in the past for having accidents or leaping upon humans. If a dog is in a home where the rules are continually changing, or one person expects different things than the other, any existing stress might be exacerbated.

How would you assist your dog in stopping submissive peeing?

If your dog’s unusual behavior has only recently begun, seek veterinarian help to rule out any medical problems.

If your puppy or dog has shown this behavior regularly or is otherwise hesitant, using positive reinforcement-based strategies to boost their confidence will make a huge difference.

Maintain as much consistency in their routine and environment as possible, and stand up for them when the situation arises for them to act out. If your dog urinates when visitors bend down to welcome them, kindly encourage strangers to keep their distance and instead toss a treat to your dog.

Teach friends or family members how to approach your dog appropriately when more comfortable with them. They should avoid direct eye contact. Ensure you come from the side rather than directly in front of them. It is better to get down on your knees to their level rather than leaning over from the waist.

If a dog approaches, guests should gently pet them beneath the chin rather than on the top of their heads. Maintaining a modest volume will also help your puppy or dog feel secure.

Introduce your dog gradually to new people and settings, and attempt to make their unique encounters positive and enjoyable by bringing high-value snacks with you at all times. If you’re out on a walk and come closer to a stranger, ask your dog to sit if they know how, or reward them with treats as the stranger walks away.

Divert your dog’s attention to doing something else, such as sitting, lying down, or performing a trick. When dogs engage their wits, they are less likely to become trapped in a fearful circle. Of course, you should never push your dog to behave if they are afraid. Instead, keep your distance from anything or whoever is scaring your dog.

Remove odours from areas where your dog submissively urinates, especially if they aren’t entirely housebroken.

Don’t chastise or reprimand them for urinating in a subservient manner. It will simply compound the problem.

If your dog is particularly fearful, talk to your veterinarian about drugs that might help retrain it.

Above all, exercise patience. It is bound to take time for your dog to build confidence, but with practice, they will be able to overcome their worries and grow into happier, more confident dogs.


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  1. What causes submissive peeing in dogs?

Submissive urination is the practice of urinating while acting in a submissive manner. Dogs of any age may urinate submissively in response to a variety of stimuli, including a person approaching, punishment, reprimanding, and the use of a loud, deep voice. Fear is the root cause of submissive peeing.

  1. Does submissive peeing ever stop?

Keep in mind that in dog language, the dog is doing everything he can to communicate that “I am no threat.” Submissive urinating can be an issue for guardians. The issue typically goes away as dogs get older, more self-assured, and accustomed to their environment.

  1. How do I stop submissive peeing?

Do not strike, reprimand, or yell at your dog after urinating to correct submissive peeing. Instead, work on boosting self-confidence by teaching it basic commands (such as sit, stay, and come) and rewarding it when it succeeds.

  1. How long does submissive urination last in dogs?

Most pups who urinate submissively tend to outgrow it by the time they are seven or eight months old, while others do so until they are approximately a year old. However, if the dog is disciplined for leaking pee, it can feel more fearful and unsure of itself and then leak again under pressure.

  1. Is there a medication for submissive urination in dogs?

Fortunately, several prescription and over-the-counter treatments could mitigate the problem. Since proin is a prescription drug, you should consult your veterinarian to see whether it is appropriate for your dog.

  1. Why is my dog submissive all of a sudden?

Your dog typically tries to show you respect and affection when he acts subservient toward you. It might also imply that he respects you and feels secure around you. Although he may perceive you as the dominant partner in the relationship, this does not need you to alter your actions.

  1. Will neutering stop excited peeing?

Your dog’s urine marking should be lessened or even stopped if spayed or neutered. However, a pattern might already be recognized if your pets have been marking for a while. Spaying or neutering won’t stop the issue because it has been a learnt habit. Thus these measures alone won’t work.

  1. Do dogs grow out of excited peeing?

Most of the time, young, hyperactive dogs that may not have complete bladder control exhibit excitement peeing. Dogs usually outgrow submissive peeing as they age and mentally stabilize.

  1. Why is my dog always submissive to other dogs?

This message may be directed at people, other dogs, or other animals. A dog trying to convey that he is not a threat typically acts submissively. The dog may occasionally be playing and wants the other person to know it. Or a dog can be unsure about the other person’s motives.

  1. Can a dog be overly submissive?

This conduct is typically quite natural. You might want your dog to be able to assert its dominance a little bit more if the dog is terrified and submissive peeing, however. If you have multiple dogs, remember that one will serve as the alpha dog and the other as the beta dog.

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Mani Sulur

Mani Sulur

I'm Mani Sulur from Toronto, Canada. I love to write and have written nine Kindle books on various topics. I write blogs in the pet and travel niches.