How to Take Care of Your Dog While You're At Work

Care of your dog
How to Take Care of Your Dog While You're at Work

We all adore and love our pets; however, a question arises among pet owners-How to take care of your dog while you’re at work?

You have fantastic work, a terrific social life, and encouraging family and friends, yet something is still lacking. Can I acquire a dog if I work all day? You’ve always loved dogs and would do anything to have your furry child to adore and care for. Having a dependent dog in your home seems unjust, especially if you plan to spend the entire day at work.

The perfect day for most dog owners would be hanging out with their furry friends. It’s hard to imagine a more rewarding profession than dog parent.

Sadly, this isn’t always the case. Since many potential dog owners have day jobs, the question “Can I have a dog while working?” is frequently asked.

Even while working a full-time job and owning a dog may not be for everyone, it is feasible to make it work if you’re willing to attempt a few different strategies to meet everyone’s needs.

Dogs are social creatures that can’t handle long stretches of isolation very well. Dogs generally like the company of humans and suffer separation anxiety or boredom when left alone. It’s excellent that they’re concerned about the future happiness of their pet by asking this question.

Even if you work full-time, you can still enjoy the company of a dog. This blog might help if you have your heart set on adopting or buying a new dog or puppy but are concerned about your work obligations.

Arranging for Your Dog's Care While You're at Work

Pick Your Pets Wisely

If you already have a furry friend, you are already in the situation. But if you’re thinking of adopting a dog from a shelter and asking, “Should I have a dog if I work all day? When looking for a dog, it’s essential to consider how the breed will respond to being alone for long periods throughout the day while you’re at work. Some canine species are naturally more self-reliant than others and will happily spend hours on their own. Some dog breeds are more prone to separation anxiety because they need more human involvement than other kinds. Do your homework before looking at rescue pets to maintain some perspective.

Create a Relaxing Setting

Your dog will be more at ease while you’re gone if he has a nice place to hang out at work. A relaxing setting would consist of a soft bed, a glass of water, some entertaining toys, and many open floor plans. Likewise, you should ensure that no sharp or otherwise harmful objects are around.

Your pet should never spend the day confined in a crate. Even if the dog’s kennel contains soft bedding, confining it for lengthy periods is cruel.

Take your dog to work.

What should I do to entertain my puppy while I’m at work? It may be answered by simply bringing your dog or puppy to the office if your job requires you to spend much time outside, in a family-friendly setting, or driving your car. Not everyone can bring their dog to the office, but it’s a nice perk if the conditions are right.

Putting In Hours From Your Own House

Many businesses are beginning to accept allowing workers to telecommute at least occasionally. Suppose you want to convince your supervisor that you should be allowed to work from home. In that case, you could highlight the advantages to the company, such as increased productivity, less need for office space, and lower utility bills.

Exercise Your Pet Before Leave for Work

Prepare your dog for a day of tranquil repose while at work by giving it a vigorous workout in the morning. If you want your dog to spend most of the day napping and lounging, you should get up half an hour earlier than usual and devote that extra time to a high-energy play or a run in addition to their regular morning walk.

Visit Home During Lunch Break

You can come home for lunch if you’re concerned about bringing your dog to work with you from 9 to 5. Even with short breaks between your morning and afternoon commutes to spend at home, that’s plenty of time to give your dog a brief check-in, take them for a potty break, refill their food and water, and give them a chance to release before you leave them once more after lunch. If you have time constraints where you cannot find the time to eat during this break, try doing it on your commute to and from work.

Seek Help From Family and Friends

Suppose you share your home with other people like relatives or friends. You must all coordinate your schedules to develop a dog schedule that works for working owners. Change your lunch break or work schedule so your dog is not at home alone for extended periods. Taking a longer or shorter lunch than usual could imply multiple visits home for your dog during the day if you work nearby.

Coping with Separation Anxiety

A dog may start to whine for you to come back if it associates your absence with boredom. A dog may learn to cry when left alone, which may become a habit. Leaving distractions for the dog to play with can help avoid this situation. However, it also entails quietly and orderly departing from one’s residence. Plus, a vet is constantly available via the internet to advise how to care for a new dog.

What NOT to Do - Advice to Ignore

You will surely miss your furry companion. When you finally have to go, you should make a great deal out of it, offer plenty of hugs and kisses, bury your face in their fur, and say you’re sorry. You may get emotional.

Puppy’s Perspective

Dogs have an uncanny knack for understanding when their owners don’t want to leave. Naturally, the thought that their pet parent is leaving is a bad thing that should be avoided immediately follows in a puppy’s head. Isolation causes the puppy to cry. When you respond to their cries, you’re reinforcing their worry. It reinforces the dog’s bad behaviour whenever you leave the house. The dog will continue to misbehave whenever you leave because it will associate your departure with positive reinforcement.


I am sure you found this blog informative and helpful. Some solutions must be appropriately weighed if you wish to own a dog while you have a full-time job. The expenses and care have to be equated with the pleasure, fun and happiness it may bring when you have your furry friend.


FRENCH BULLDOGMost professionals agree that no adult dog should be left alone for more than eight to ten hours daily, but some dogs, especially those with small bladders, can’t make it that long. If you’re taking your dog, ensure they are ready to leave.

BRITTANY DogThe maximum time a dog older than six months should be left alone is 4 hours. If this is impossible, no more than 8 hours should pass without human interaction; even then, it’s best if your dog can go outside every few hours.

Bernese Mountain DogCrated dogs should not be alone for more than three or four hours, according to several pet specialists. A full-grown dog can only sleep for about five or six hours.

Bullmastiff-Dog-OutdoorsDogs are pack animals that thrive in a community. Some people may always find it difficult to be by themselves. Anxious or stressed dogs may resort to destructive behaviours like chewing furniture, scratching walls, or howling. Adverse actions are also a sign of separation anxiety.

If you work regular 9-to-5 hours but won’t leave your dog alone all day, you can obtain a dog. Many people bring their pets to the office, return for lunch to play with them, or have visitors pet them during the day.

Boston TerrierThe dog from Boston, also known as a terrier.

It’s not just bull terriers that can be left alone for a full day. The Boston terrier, his close relative, also fits the bill. Although they thrive on human companionship, these dogs won’t stand in your way if you have to rush off to work. Providing a secure setting for him is all that is required.

Dog PapillonWhat conditions would it be acceptable to leave the TV on for the dog? Because of their short attention spans, puppies benefit from being constantly stimulated by novel stimuli to prevent them from getting into mischief. By keeping them occupied, you can lessen the likelihood of them destroying your property due to boredom. Therefore, YES, leave the TV on for your dog.

If you work full-time but still want a dog, you should go ahead and get one, but you should do so carefully. If you desire a dog that can handle being on its own, it’s best to go for a younger dog of an independent breed or a rescued animal that is used to living alone.

Crate it up. Go for a box that won’t break easily. The crate should have sufficient moving room for your dog to stand up straight and spin around. A crate cover and pad can make the box more comfortable for your pet, like a bed.

sad dogWhen dogs experience distress when separated from their owners, the individuals to whom they are emotionally bonded are known as separation anxiety. Dogs suffering from separation anxiety frequently resort to extreme measures, including self-inflicted injuries and property destruction, to escape.

greyhoundThe conventional Greyhound, Basset hound, French bulldog, and Maltese are all excellent options if you’re searching for a dog with mild separation anxiety. These dogs are less prone to experience difficulty when left alone compared to other breeds, although no dog is entirely immune to separation anxiety.

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