How to Train a Dog Not to Bark – Best Training Tips & Tricks (2022)

how to train a dog not to bark

In this article, we will guide you on how to train a dog not to bark or how to get your dog to stop barking. But before moving into it, you should know What is a Dog’s Bark and Why do Animals Bark?

We all know that dogs bark. They’re pack animals, they’re territorial, and they’re also just wired to bark. It’s in their nature. Also, barking is a dog’s way of communicating with humans and other animals and keeping intruders away.

It also helps dogs to warn each other of danger. Dogs bark when excited, scared, lonely, or like to play with you. 

But occasionally, they can be excessively loud or disruptive and get annoying quickly. One of the possible reasons people relinquish their dogs is to find a new home or give them up to a pound or shelter.

When this is the case, there are some things you can do to help your dog stop barking incessantly. There are five specific strategies that I want to share with you today, so you know what your options are when your dog doesn’t stop barking!

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How to Train a Dog Not to Bark – Disincentives vs. Positive Reinforcement

There are two ways to stop a dog from barking:

  • 1. Disincentives
  • 2. Positive Reinforcement

1. Disincentives

These are used as a punishment for the behavior. They can be either negative or positive, and they work on conditioning. When a dog starts barking, the dog is either ignored or punished with some stimulus that he dislikes – such as a noise or a spray of water –to associate the undesirable behavior with an unpleasant experience.

It is not always effective because dogs can quickly become deaf to these stimuli and start barking again if they see something interesting outside.

2. Positive reinforcement

It works on the principle of rewarding desirable behaviors with something that dogs like – such as food, toys, or affection – to associate this behavior with something.

The 5 Best Ways to get a Dog to stop barking

There are five specific strategies that I want to share with you today, so you know what your options are when your dog doesn’t stop barking!

1. Exercise and Discipline

Use the principle of positive reinforcement. Give your dog plenty of exercise via a walk, along with discipline and commands to learn. Do not reward unwanted behavior. Best assured, your dog won’t think you are mean; after all, the dog wants to earn your affection.

2. Ignore the barking

Ignoring your dog or turning your back is excellent if you notice your dog is barking to seek your attention. Make sure you’re not rewarding your dog for being noisy by paying attention to your dog; don’t talk, touch, or even look.

Guide them in their crate or gated room and turn your back on them if they bark.

If they stop barking, Turn around, praise them, and give them a treat.

As their training progresses, they extend the time they must keep silent before receiving a reward.

Start with small rewards for being quiet for a few seconds, then gradually increase to more extended periods of tranquility.

Varying the amount of time you keep your back turned is one technique. Maintain the excitement by awarding your dog after five, ten, fifteen, or twenty seconds, and then switch things around.

3. Take Away Their Motivation

A dog may bark in response to a desire for something or a reward. And, in most cases, if their barking is consistent, they are receiving what they want.

 Make sure to cease reinforcing this behavior and eliminate their triggers as soon as possible.

Close the drapes or place your dog in another room.

Suppose your dog barks at strangers or people or animals passing by the living room window. To combat this, acquire a toy that can keep your dog occupied for a few hours. By using this technique you can stop your dog from barking at visitors

Your dog may be barking for several reasons. It may not always be the case. Check out the article below for more information on your dog’s barking.

4. Offer stimulus to The Dog

It’s wise to expose your dog to stimulation whenever possible, making them bark, whether it’s the dog next door, the mailman, or passing cars. It would help if you began by relocating your dog away from the stimuli so that it does not bark.

Then, as they suppress their barking, progressively bring them closer while providing plenty of treats. Stop giving rewards if the stimulant moves out of their sight, so they realize they are only rewarded when it is present.

For Example: With a Friend’s Dog

  • To prevent your dog from barking at the other dog, get a buddy with a dog to stand far enough away. When your friend and dog approach, start petting and feeding your dog treats.
  • Stop feeding them treats when you can’t see their friend and dog.
  • Continue the process several times or use it when needed.
  • Exercise patience and try not to rush. It may sometimes take days or weeks for your dog to stop barking when you’re trying to distract them with a treat.

5. Keep Your Dog/Puppy Engaged 

Keep your dogs active through physical and mental activities daily. Boredom or frustration will not annoy a tired dog, and it will not bark as much.

Some dog breeds are likely to bark more than others but you can get a puppy to stop barking by using the correct methods. On the other hand, long walks and strenuous activities or toys can usually help alleviate this condition.

You will find it simpler to regulate your pet, especially when dealing with puppies if you set out some time each day to get them out to play. Again, investing in interactive toys that keep your dog’s brain active might not be a terrible idea.

If you have any questions regarding this topic How to Train a Dog Not to Bark, then please comment below. Our team will be happy to guide you.

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Mani Sulur

Mani Sulur

I'm Mani Sulur from Toronto, Canada. I love to write and have written nine Kindle books on various topics. I write blogs in the pet and travel niches.